The Horrifying List Of UNREAD BOOKS On My Shelf

GASP indeed! I have a huge problem. I bought alot of books in the past but because Im contiuously shopping for more, I have a long list of unread and untoucheed books. And im talking about these books are starting to collect dust. I SORRY OKAY.
Some of these books were purchased months or even a year ago. But because all books are worthy, I need to take it back out from the dead and bring it back to life. Some of these books were in boxes in my basement because I moved into a new home 2 years ago. 

Are you ready? Because even I got my Starbucks ready because this is going to take some time. This list contains 36 single books(35 is totally not a big number.... right?).


  1. Hey, you have been nominated for the Liebster Award by, Congrats!




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