Top Ten Most Anticipated Authors

I was planning on posting this on Tuesday but it's all good :). So this week's Top Ten Tuesday is going to be about most anticipated authors. 

verb (used with object)anticipated, anticipating.
to realize beforehand; foretasteor foresee:
to anticipate pleasure.

Here are the authors starting from 1-10

D I S C L A I M E R: 
Everyone has their own opinions on books and if you don't agree with my choices please don't hate, that's just how I see the story. Maybe it's different for you. Thanks :)

1. Stephanie Perkins 
   Don't get me wrong, I love her novels but some of them are very predictable. One of her stories "Anna And The French Kiss" at the beginning I already kind knew that something was up. St. Clair and Anna was spending a lot of time together even from the start. 

2. Author of Court Thorns Roses  Sarah Maas. To be honest, I still liked this books because it did give me hype at some parts of the novel

3. Marissa Meyer. The only book I read by her was cinder but scarlet is in my wish list. Marissa Meyer had a really good story to tell and it was definitely something I'm sure I don't read often but then again I knew what would happen later on in the story.

4. Rick Riordian. #camphalfblood hahah. I'm one of those overly obsessive fans of Rick Riordian but even the movie I kind of had feelings of what would happen. There were mixed 

5. Veronica Rossi. She is another of my favourite female authors because of the way she wrote actually brings out thoughts and emotions. Sometimes it's like looking at a digital clock and someone asks you what time is it? 

6. Karen Hesse. I've never read a book like safekeeping before because within a story about a journey of one, comes with several images to help the reader really understand and to mentally be where the character is in the story. 

7. Donna Cooner. Skinny was another book about bullying and teen issues AND I don't hate it, I just find it ordinary and not really too special. Almost all teen issue novels starts with the main character which is normally the victim, will go through tough times, self harm, etc and then throughout the story it's talks about their journey and what would then conclude to them being saved and in a better place then where they started. Although it is just this story by Donna Cooner, I guess it still counts because it's one of her novels. It really felt like after reading chapter 2 or 3 I knew the ending. 

8. Jason Luke. Sometimes I think reason the blurb at the back gives it away a by for me, I don't know.

9. A.G. Howard 

10. Melissa Landers. First time when I read Alienated was actually because of ABookUtopia on YouTube and I wanted to check it out but when I read it at my library, I guess it was okay. Too many scene drags I think.


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